
Tuesday, October 27, 2009

What should I do about my husband?

We have been married for 2 and a half years. We have a boy, almost 2 years old. We get married because of the little boy and we quarrel often.

Recently he told me: One more quarrel and we are going to divorce. I was like: ok, fine. I could not take this sentence so we quarrelled and I told him, lets divorce. He become afraid and keep apologising to me and make me and my boy unable to sleep by talking to us every night, begging me not too divorce him.

He%26#039;s a lazy bum who does not help much and financially, not much also. He%26#039;s holding on to his car and motorcycle, plus financing his parents, it%26#039;s not easy and even when we have dinner, we go on dutch!

Am I wrong to divorce him? My heart is not with him anymore. I feel that I deserve someone much better. But my kid. What am I going to tell him if he grows up one day and sees his dad looking different from him?

What should I do about my husband?

When you are engaged in a relationship, and your heart is not there how long or should i say how far you think can you go ?

I understand that been in a relationship takes more than a heart to function well.Brain is always important.I think life is hard for you

when you hace to struggle on your own without much financial help from your husband.Come to think of it, how long you think you can hold onto this

line?You difinetly deserve a better life. No one meant to slog okay?Your husband rather hold on to hos vehicle than help to reduce burden in the family?

Is having two vehicle that mandatory?I%26#039;m sorry to say that most shortgun marriage are tougher than what you think. Because you guys married for responsibility.Raising a child need alot of financial backup and i think for your case, it is what you lack of it.I believe strongly that it is also one of the reason that you are reconsidering your marriage.Not to be realistic but you don want to be a %26quot;sugar wifey%26quot; kinda thing dont you. Take the step out and have a better life.As for your baby, i think he will understand as times goes by, how much you want him to understand when he is only a kid?Girl, take care and good luck. :D

What should I do about my husband?

why rely on people online to tell you to divorce your husband? It sounds like you%26#039;ve figured it out for yourself already?

What should I do about my husband?

staying in a relationship %26quot;for the kid%26quot; is not whats best for any will cause the child more problems in the long run to have to grow up seeing their parents in a miserable relationship and will come to expect that is how relationships work

What should I do about my husband?

If youre miserable, you need to leave. You are right to think about your child, but do you want him to grow up in a home where his mother and father constantly fight? Yes, in the future if you would have to remarry again it would be tough to talk to him about, but if you married a man that can provide a safe happy home for you and your child, that would be a much better situation for your boy. He can always visit his father if he wants, but growing up in a positive, happy enviornment is much more important than being around a bum of a father

What should I do about my husband?

You should tell him to get it together or your leaving.If it doesn%26#039;t change .You know what to do.

What should I do about my husband?

Why would your son%26#039;s father look different from him? Are you planning on your current husband (the child%26#039;s father) to not be in his life if you divorce? You can%26#039;t legally do that.

What should I do about my husband?

yeah you should definetely have a divorce you said the guy was lazy doesnt even work and you dont love him anymore so whats the point of being with him seriously .i bet theres someone out there who does deserve you not like your husband

What should I do about my husband?

Do whatever you feel is the right thing to do. If divorce is the answer then go ahead and do it. Your son will be okay with your divorce when he is old enough to understand. My children were grown when I got my divorce and they did not care.

What should I do about my husband?

If that%26#039;s how you truly feel about him, then you%26#039;d actually be doing him a disservice in the long run by staying with him. Don%26#039;t even think about separating the boy from his father. If you leave, you should bring your son to visit his father at least twice a week from now on, regardless of whether you find someone new.

What should I do about my husband?

You%26#039;ve lost all respect for him, and you%26#039;ve already made up your mind, you just dont want to hurt his feelings, maybe you need to discuss your needs with him though, if at least then it doesnt work or he fails to match up, you at least gave him fair chance to prove himself a man.

What should I do about my husband?

you know I had that same problem I mean exact same problem. I finally divorced him and I explained to my kids (cause I had 2 boys) that mommy and daddy just couldn%26#039;t make things work. My kids love the guy I%26#039;m with now.

What should I do about my husband?

Well his dad will always be his dad. Your son%26#039;s relationship is different than your relationship so don%26#039;t keep them apart allow his dad to be in his son%26#039;s life. I just think you got married for the wrong reason. A child should never be the reason two people get married.

What should I do about my husband?


I mean come on! Men is supposed to earn, work hard, and provide.

Divorce that lazy ***! Tell him to get a job and PROVIDE, and pay for the dinner. Otherwise divoooorce.

What should I do about my husband?

get marriage counseling. Your child deserves that much effort.

What should I do about my husband?

I%26#039;m not a fan of seems like you guys have some issues that obviously need to be resolved. How do you guys feel about marriage counseling? This could open doors to each other and lets your frustrations out while trying to figure out a solution.

What should I do about my husband?

Divorce the loser. Your son will be better off with you as a single parent than that loser husband of yours as an example and roll model.

What should I do about my husband?

Dump the is short...

What should I do about my husband?

maybe u r over reacting, give everybody a chance. u got a kid not not as simple being a single mummy. give urself a deep tot abt it. is it divorce is d only solution??? as far as i can c from here, is not.

take care...

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