
Tuesday, October 27, 2009

If someone placed you as a reference on a loan and THEYdefault on the loan.Can a finance company har

An old acquaintance of mine placed me as a reference on a car loan they took out back in 2006. That old acquaintance and I had not had contact for almost a year. I don%26#039;t know where this person lives, works, etc. They have defaulted on their car loan and the finance company is calling me to have my old acquaintance contact them. I%26#039;ve told them numerous times to please stop calling and to remove me from the reference list because I don%26#039;t have any contact with this person anymore but they just keep calling. I don%26#039;t really want to go to the extreme of changing my number and its getting to the point to where they are calling my cell during my work hours. Is there anything I can do? Is this considered harassment?? Can anyone give me some advise??

If someone placed you as a reference on a loan and THEYdefault on the loan.Can a finance company harass you?

It is considered harrassment. You are a reference not a cosigner. Any mo or joe could write you down as a reference. I would let them know they have a wrong # or something the next time they call. If they keep calling, let them know you will report them and keep track of how often and when they call and then call the better business bureau

If someone placed you as a reference on a loan and THEYdefault on the loan.Can a finance company harass you?

Finance companies will usually resort to anything to get the money owed them. They are harassing you. The sad thing is that they will continue to do so as long as you%26#039;ve even a little bit polite to them. If this company is in your town I would make a personal visit to them. If not, then the next time they phone you, don%26#039;t lose your temper but tell them that you will be calling the Better Business Bureau and reporting them for harassment. Tell them you also want to talk to the Manager and say NOW like you really mean it. I%26#039;m sure others will have a better plan but it will work. Good luck

If someone placed you as a reference on a loan and THEYdefault on the loan.Can a finance company harass you?

Explain to them again and if they persist ask to speak to a manager or superviser. Then tell them that you think it is harrassment and ask them why they continue to contact you? Then make an appointment with your local citizens advice and they can help you draft a letter of complaint or even contact the company ob your behalf sometimes. These companies seem to listen when you know what jargon to use.

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