
Saturday, October 31, 2009

Fraud on un secured loan by a relitve?

I have found out that my brother has taken out an unsecured loan in my elderly mothers name to finance a car for him self, however it would not have come to light if he had not failed to keep up the payments.

Fraud on un secured loan by a relitve?

Robert you are making a statement here not asking a question. Reread what you posted and add to it what you are trying to ask if you have a question.

Fraud on un secured loan by a relitve?

Read your question back to yourself and ask yourself: is this a question?

Fraud on un secured loan by a relitve?

Sounds like its criminal, brother or not.

Fraud on un secured loan by a relitve?

what%26#039;s the question? if you want to know what to do about it talk to a attonery. he can get into a lot of trouble for using your mothers name for a loan

Fraud on un secured loan by a relitve?

Oh dear! what do you want to know? Either he pays the debt or his mum does...or he knocks it does a runner and your old mum ends up with a bad debt in her name - sorry.

Fraud on un secured loan by a relitve?

He could do Jail time, most likely the only thing that will happen is your mother is going to have to go through hell trying to get the negative reporting off of her credit. The system really hasn%26#039;t evolved yet, it%26#039;s still stuck in the stone age when it comes to these things. Mostly b%26#039;cuz there isn%26#039;t any competition in the credit reporting business, they run a monopoly.

Fraud on un secured loan by a relitve?

It is a crime in most states to take out a loan in another person%26#039;s name, and if he forged her signature, he%26#039;s in for some hard times. You should report it to the police immediately since it may also be considered elder abuse. I hope the car gets repossessed - it would serve him right. Too bad it will hurt his mother%26#039;s good credit. Good luck!

Fraud on un secured loan by a relitve?

yes its fraud, what is your question?

Fraud on un secured loan by a relitve?

what you asking ???

Fraud on un secured loan by a relitve?

Take him to one side and kick the god loving c rap out of him. Then sell the car and give the money to Mum! just call me grant mitchell!

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