
Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Can a disabled person be sued?

In 2001 a John co-signed for a car for Mary. Mary stopped paying on the car. A few months ago, the finance company took the car back. The finance company is seeking payment for the portion still owed. Mary is now working, but John is disabled. The finance company has called John and demanded the balance owed or they would sue or get the money from his bank account. They know where Mary lives and know where she works, however; they are harassing John. John wants to know that since he is 100% disabled, and is living on a fixed income, and Mary is an RN who is making much more, if they can sue John, take his home and/or get the money from his account, if any. Please respond ASAP

Can a disabled person be sued?

He will need to contact a lawyer but I%26#039;m thinking he%26#039;s been contacted by a debt collection agency and most will say just about anything to make someone pay it to just have them go away. Should he be sued for this, he can sue her for the money. But he is still responsible since he%26#039;s the original co signer Remember anyone can be sued.

Can a disabled person be sued?

Yeah, afraid so. They can%26#039;t take his house though.

Can a disabled person be sued?

In co-signing he agreed to be responsible for the finances of the car. Disabled or not he can still be sued.

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