
Tuesday, October 27, 2009

What economic class am I?

My husband and I are in our early 20%26#039;s and we have a 1 year old son. Our combined income is a little over 64,000 a year. We do not own any property, stocks or bonds because we are in the process of getting our credit established. We have 1 credit card. We rent an apartment in a nice neighborhood. We have 2 cars, we own 1 car and we are financing the other. I am in college studying pre pharmacy, in hopes of becoming a Pharmacist one day. With all of that, what is our economic class, low class, middle, upper middle? Oh yeah and we live in fl.

What economic class am I?

I would say you are lower middle well on your way to upper middle class.

Keep up the hard work and you will do just fine

Good luck.

What economic class am I?

Lower middle class. Good luck with your aspirations.

What economic class am I?

i%26#039;d say lower middle class...

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