
Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Boyfriend help?

my boyfriend and i have been fighting and Im afraid we might break up I want to do something extra special to show him i love him. I have a couple hours, no car, and limited finances...please help i really love him

Boyfriend help?

make a nice dinner at your house w/ the food he likes and when he says yum or thanks or that was good tell him why you made it and tell him how much u care, love, and want to stop fighting w/ him. and if he loves you he will listen and if he don%26#039;t you deserve better anyway girl.

but he will more than likely listen!!!

Boyfriend help?

do something special like make his favorite lunch and have a picnic or give him something close to you

Boyfriend help?

keep calm.create a romantic him your feelings by holding his hands.You may watch a romantic movie.Or try to hug him when as soon as you see him.

or speak him.say only: i love you.i love you.

try to romantic i mean.

good luck

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